Wooden Fences

Wood fencing remain the top choice for anyone wanting to preserve the natural look of a property. They are durable, dependable, and always in style with a wide range of looks to choose from including picket, flat top and many other custom options. Posts are the number one failure on a wood fence. This is why we use a steel post that is fully enclosed with wood to ensure your post will never rot or fail.

Attributes of wood fences:

  • Curb appeal
  • Customizable privacy
  • Durable
  • Easy to decorate
  • Highly customizable looks
  • Natural look
  • Secure

Common uses

Wood fences are arguably one of the most desirable choices when it comes to appearance. Keep your backyard looking natural with a wood fence or spice things up a bit by hanging planters or lights. Wood fences can be decorated, painted or stained to match your unique style.

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